Flower Motif #1

September Daily Motif Crochet Challenge








There really are not enough hours in the day.  My wish list of things to make seems never-ending.  I plan projects only to get distracted by new ideas constantly! And these always end up skipping to the top of the to-do list. Logistically there are only so many projects that I can make at once but this doesn’t stop me planning more at all.

I have an absolutely gigantic back log of patterns saved on Pinterest, in folders on my computer and many craft books and magazines. They are all squirreled away somewhere not to be seen again. That is, until I go to start a new project and get seriously overwhelmed by choice.  It’s reached the point where the sheer number of things I want to make is stopping me from doing anything as I simply can’t focus on any one idea. Instead I’ve been distracting myself with mandalas (more on that later).

A short while ago I came across this art installation, “painting with flowers” by Rebecca Louise Law over on The Jealous Curator. It made me want to surround myself with flowers and as Autumn is well and truly here that means making them.




So I have given myself a challenge. I plan to work through my backlog of patterns by making and sharing one small flower motif a day, 30 motifs in total. I’m sticking to small things that are quick and easy to make so that I have no excuse to skip any days. I’m hoping this plan will also inspire me to make other bigger things.

I’m going to be posting all my progress pics over on my Instagram every day using the hashtag #motifaday.  At the end of the month I’ll do a round-up of all the motifs here on the blog.

If any of you guys feel inspired to join me please do. I’m going by the days in the month but you can challenge yourself to however many you’d like. I’d love to see some of your makes!

Patterns for the flowers can be found in descending order

Francesca xxx


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